Aerial photography enriches films with unique images.
Increasingly smaller and lighter high-resolution cameras – coupled with rapid technological advances in multi-axial image stabilisation systems – facilitate imagery that would have been impossible just a few years back.
Aerial images create an overview and provide orientation.
They allow the audience to see the interrelationships.
Airiness, dynamics and an unleashed, raised perspective characterise the aesthetics of spectacular aerial images.
We are fascinated by these opportunities.

Aerial images using a drone
Drones allow for flexible and cost-effective aerial filming in confined spaces and at low altitudes in situations where helicopters cannot venture.
Helicopters and larger drones with a take-off weight of over 5 kg require a large number of permits to be obtained and may not be flown in some locations.
In the weight class of 5 kg max. the DJI Inspire 2 drone, in conjunction with the Zenmuse X7 camera and interchangeable lenses, currently forms the best aerial filming solution.
The drone can achieve top speeds of up to 100 km/h (60 mph).
The Super35 sensor delivers first-class, cinema-resolution image quality (6K).
All images are stored in a lossless format (Cinema DNG or ProRes4444XQ) on SSD storage media.
It’s not only for reasons of safety that we always fly our drones using dual Cendence remote controllers. This also allows one drone pilot to concentrate fully on flying, while the other manages image composition (pan, tilt, focus). Such professional division of responsibilities delivers the best possible results.
We take a no-compromise approach to accessories as well.
CrystalSky monitors that are clearly visible in sunlight, eight rechargeable batteries and a rapid charger ensure no waiting time.
Our experienced and responsible drone pilots guarantee both safety and first-class imagery.

Aerial images using a helicopter
Helicopters offer a wide radius of action. They fly higher, faster and more dynamically than drones and are not subject to the pilot’s “line of sight” requirement. This means that moving objects can also be followed over large distances.
Modern stabilised camera systems (Shotover F1, Shotover K1, Cineflex V14) mounted to the helicopter allow absolutely steady footage to be captured in the best image quality (8K). They also enable shooting in the long focal length range (use of zoom lenses).
We have many years of experience in capturing aerial imagery and only work with the best pilots and aerial camera operators.
Permits | Service
Do you need aerial images at home or abroad?
Then talk to us! We would be pleased to confirm where our general permissions allow us to fly and find out which special permits must be applied for.
We comply strictly with all applicable laws and regulations.
No picture is worth anyone coming to harm.